A Cute Pug

I am still rescuing old vector drawings and putting them in the public domain so you can do with them whatever you want. This time, it is a pug face I created with my graphics tablet. You can find it in Open Clip Art Library too. [Read More]
Tags: Clip Art, Creative Commons, dog, puppy

Dao De Jing (ch. 22)

Yield and overcome; Bend and be straight; Empty and be full; Wear out and be new; Have little and gain; Have much and be confused. Therefore the wise embrace the one And set an example to all. Not putting on a display, They shine forth. Not justifying themselves, They are... [Read More]
Tags: Daoism

Comic Machines

A few comic-style machines and stuff I have created and used in a number of presentations. I am putting them in the public domain so you can do with them whatever you want. Attribution would be nice, but it is not required. You can find them in Open Clip Art... [Read More]
Tags: Clip Art, Creative Commons, SVG

Arqueología web: el Pandemonium

He hecho un poco de arqueología para rescatar una web que creé y mantuve durante bastantes años con críticas de álbumes de heavy metal y que llevaba un tiempo sin alojamiento. Es una web muy sencilla  que empezó antes de la era de los blogs, aunque su estructura es similar... [Read More]
Tags: Metal